Zeta Phi Epsilon
Our purpose | Becoming a Member | Calendar of Events | Why Zeta? | Zeta lines | Newsletter | Contact Us | Pictures I | Pictures II | Pictures III | Pics IV | 25th Anniversary Dinner | Links

Welcome to the Zeta Phi Epsilon web page
This site was created and mantained by The EWOK
part of the Zetaweb group.

We are proud to be a multicultural and multiracial greek organization.

-Quick History

In 1977, a group of men set out to create a fraternity that was different than the others. A fraternity that would not haze and have the open values of a close-knit family. These men were establishing a group that would be the biggest and most prosperous greek organization in Bloomfield College for many years.

The history continued to unfold after its start in October in '77. Years later during the 80's, the brothers of ZFE had its biggest number of members. The fraternity had over 40 active members on campus. Realizing that Bloomfield College is a small campus, about one-tenth of the male students were Zeta men.
After the greek housing were taken away in the early 90's, all greek organizations suffered membership dramatically. From then all the greeks, uncluding ZFE, have been in a rebuilding state. At ZFE we have had success with new members coming in and joining the brotherhood.





 Quick Facts
Established: October 10th, 1977.
Founding Brothers: 10
Colors: Black and Gold
Mascot: Lion
Number of Nationalites represented:
Number of Lines: 35 (2002)
Biggest Line: 10
Motto: Carpe Diem
Honorary Brothers: 5
Sister Group:  Sigma Phi Delta

We invite you to visit us or to attend an event.  Our members will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about the organization and how you can join.

Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list.

Zeta Phi Epsilon 
Bloomfield College
 457 Franklin Street
Box # 308
Bloomfield, NJ 07003